The Remedy
Reconnect to Self, Others, Nature & the Divine
The Wild Remedy is a weekend retreat bringing together women, or women-identifying individuals, of all generations and backgrounds to foster relationships with ourselves, each other, nature and the divine feminine.  

On the enchanting grounds of the North Lakeland Discovery Center located on Statehouse Lake, we will explore the forest and the water, consider ancient wisdoms, and build relationships with other women as we reconnect with what the sacred feminine means for us in an ever-changing world.

This weekend will be rejuvenating in all the best ways, including:
- Nourishing food, locally sourced and lovingly prepared by Wild Whisk
- Activities designed to rekindle your deep knowing, your inner fire
- On-going playful adventures in the wild Northwoods with other women
- Daily yoga and other physical activities to vibe up your body
- Sunrise, sunset and late-night activities for heightening your senses
- Live music
- Rituals that will serve as the container for our weekend, deepen your experience, and give you something to take home with you
- Shared experiences with other women seeking to remember what they have always known, and teach you 
- Learn about holistic healing routines to integrate into your habits
All guests have the option to arrive Thursday and enjoy an extra day to play & explore, work with healing practitioners for individual yoga sessions, ecotherapy, & reiki sessions; and attend the Nibbles & Knowledge program on foraging Wild Rice. Extend your stay by adding the "Thursday" ticket option when you register.

Remedy a Friend
Register by July 31 to win a chance to "Remedy a friend". Submit the name of someone you care about who may not have the financial flexibility to attend the weekend, and she could be selected randomly to attend for FREE.
Your 2-Night Stay Includes:
(2) Nights of cozy bunkhouse lodging
All participants will stay in the newly renovated bunkhouse cabins at the North Lakeland Discovery Center.

(7) Locally sourced meals
Wild Whisk hand picks and prepares plant-focused fare that is locally sourced and foraged from the great WI Northwoods land and farmers. Vegetarian meals are prepared and served on site by Wild Whisk. A Remedy Soup will be served over an open pit Saturday night.

(2) Yoga classes
Yoga teacher Michelle Buechen will focus on a style of restorative yoga that encourages physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. Appropriate for all levels, restorative yoga is practiced at a slow pace, focusing on long holds, stillness, and deep breathing.

Group Reiki
Group Reiki is an opportunity to enter into sacred space, and receive some healing and restorative Reiki energy. Our lead Reiki Master is Barbara McFarland, with over 20 years experience. Our three Reiki Masters have over 60 combined years of healing energy work: Barbara McFarland, Sue Rock Dicky, and Janet Bowen.

Ecotherapy: Healing Through Nature
Gretchen Mead, a licensed Ecotherapist, believes that reconnecting to nature can improve physical and mental health while encouraging people to uncover new solutions to long-standing problems.

Scroll down and read the agenda for a taste of what's to come!
North Lakeland Discovery Center
14006 Discovery Lane, Manitowish Waters, WI 54545
Date & Time
September 9, 2022, 3:00 PM - September 11, 2022 - 1:00 PM
Lori (Lola) Everson
Food Leader, EDucator, Personal Chef, Artist, Forager
At Wild Whisk, you can taste Lori’s down-to-earth whole cooking and feel a connection between her lived experiences as well as the ancestral cooking methods passed down in her family. We believe food is art born from nature – it should be presented as a work of art and shared as a gift of love

Gretchen Mead
As an Eco-spiritualist first, and a community 'actionist' next, Gretchen fosters our deepest evolutionary knowledge, to heal souls and build community. Gretchen is the owner of Vanamala Healing and the founding director of Victory Garden Initiative, where she has utilized nature and food as primary tools for transforming what ails us.
Barbara McFarland
artist, Reiki master
 Barbara is an artist and Reiki Master who has resided in Manitowish Waters all of her life, painting and following her love of nature. She and her husband, John, have been supporters of the Arts and artists of the area through the Manito Art League and the North Woods Art Tours.Their interest in the art and history of Indigenous cultures also is evident in their art.

Janet Bowen
With her medical and research background, fueled with her curiosity as a lifelong seeker of knowledge and love for Mother Nature, Janet teaches a gentler, more intuitive, plant-based approach to improve health and overall wellness.
Michelle Bechen, L.M.S.W.
yoga instructor
Social Worker, LMSW
Michelle has been a social worker for 25 years. She is a group facilitator and specializes in holistic healing through breath, mindfulness, and meditation.
Sue Ruck Dickey
Fiber Artist, Holistic Nurse
Sue’s lifetime focus and pleasure has been artistic creation through her holistic nursing career, fiber arts exploration, outdoor experiential practices, spiritual seeking with Reiki and hypnosis training. And so it is and so it shall be … Namaste

thursday 9/8 (optional)
Extra Day to Play
3-5pm - Arrival and Check in
Thursday evening, attend an on-site "Nibbles & Knowledge" program hosted by Discovery Center staff. Hors d'oeuvres served and cash bar available. Enjoy an extra day of play on Friday! Take a morning yoga class for $15, or sign up for a private session with one of the amazing facilitators (available for an additional fee): Reiki, massage, eco-therapy, and other services TBD. Lodging, Nibbles & Knowledge program, and breakfast are included; lunch on Friday will be on your own.
Friday 9/9
Arrive & Settle In
3-5 pm Arrival and Introductions  - Dinner & Blessing - Intention Setting, Agreements & Fire Lighting Ceremony 
Saturday 9/10
Explore, Connect, Nourish, Heal 
Sunrise Yoga or Swim -  Coffee & Tea - Breakfast, Blessing & Intention Setting - Activities - Lunch - Nature Art - Activity - Remedy Soup Dinner - Evening Fire Ceremony
Sunday 9/11
Keep the Fire Burning
Sunrise Ceremony - Coffee and Tea - Breakfast - Activity - Lunch - Fire Smoldering Ceremony - Depart at 1pm
 Join us September 9-11, 2022 
We look forward to seeing you!

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