The side event is aimed at producing a white paper at conceptual level to articulate the views of statutory and non-statutory institutions  which highlight the innovative features of game changers in terms of solutions offered through various programmes, strategic plans and policy prescripts. It is envisaged that the outcome of the engagement will be developed into coordinated transdisciplinary implementable programmes in the next five years towards 2030 sustainable development agenda.  This is aligned to the national development plan (NDP) 2030 commitments and Africa's 2063 vision. 
The focus areas covered will be organised around the three main themes, namely water for health, water for sustainable development and water for cooperation, with the water action decade forming an umbrella focus.  Collaborating partners will showcase recent research and development work which is seen as essential for accelerated implementation of sustainable development goals. 
Cognisance is taken that South Africa has over the years made significant strides in the policy and legislative development domain, however, the implementation has remained a serious challenge. Therefore, the monitoring and reporting as led by the Department of Water and Sanitation as key collaborating partner. In addition, anchoring will be provided by the UNESCO National Commission through its Natural Science Committee and UNESCO Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP) National Committee whose secretariat is located in the National Department. The title of enabling water security is deliberately selected to ensure inclusivity and mobilisation of resources to enable cross-sectoral partnership in that water nexus approach is emphasized.
Date & Time
March 23, 2023,10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
10:00 AM
Opening remarks -   University of Johannesburg
10:10 AM
Research Panelist discussion - Rand Water, University of Johannesburg and Department of Water and Sanitation
10:30 AM
Research Panelist discussion - Views from International Researchers (Dr Inga Jacobs-Mata - International Water Management Institute, Dr Lina Taing - United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health, Ms Joan Ketadzo - Pan African University Institute of Water and Energy Sciences)
10:45 AM
Distribution and completion of questionnaires
10:55 AM
11:25 AM
Closing remarks - Department of Water and Sanitation
Join us on March 23
We look forward to hosting you!

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