Al Gore Keynote Address
Al Gore's Keynote Address at the GLOBE COP26 Legislators Summit, which took place on 5-6 November 2021 at the Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh.  

GLOBE at 30 - from Rio to Glasgow: the critical role of parliaments in addressing the climate crisis.
We are delighted to showcase an extremely impressive international lineup of speakers for the 2-day Summit.  Full details can be found in the programme below.
Day 1: Friday 5 November 2021
09:00 - 10:30
Delegates Arrive
Registration, Main Hall (Visitor Services)
Tea/coffee available
10:30 - 10:45
10:45 - 10:55
10:55 - 11:30
Followed by Q&A
11:30 - 12:00
Followed by Q&A
12:00 - 12:15
Presentation of 'The Moment' by Scotland's Children's Parliament and Youth Parliament
12:15 - 12:45
Followed by Q&A
12:45 - 14:00
Lunch, Main Hall
Optional tour of the Scottish Parliament (Visitor Services)
14:00 - 15:15
Followed by Q&A
15:15 - 16:15
Followed by Q&A
Enough is Enough, by Karine Polwart, Oi Musica and The Soundhouse Choir
16:30 - 17:30
Refreshment break, Main Hall
Close of Day 1
18:00 - 19:30
Day 2: Saturday 6 November 2021
08:30 - 09:30
Delegates Arrive
Registration, Main Hall (Visitor Services)
Tea/coffee available
09:30 - 09:45
Plenary Session, Debating Chamber
Introduction to Day 2 – Presiding Officer & President, GLOBE International
09:45 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:15
10:15 - 11:30
Followed by Q&A
11:30 - 11:45
Comfort break, Debating Chamber
11:45 - 13:00
Followed by Q&A
13:00 - 13:15
Family photo, Debating Chamber
13:15 - 14:00
Lunch, Garden Lobby
14:00 - 14:30
Followed by Q&A
14:30 - 15:45
Followed by Q&A
15:45 - 16:00
Closing Ceremony
Final remarks by Presiding Officer & President, GLOBE International

Followed by Kibong Tanji performing WORTH IT from THIS IS A LOVE STORY, by Jack Godfrey and Ellie Coote
SUMMIT Closes & delegates depart
Summit Sessions Day 1: Friday 5 November 2021
Opening Ceremony
Welcome by Presiding Officer, Alison Johnstone MSP.

Introduction by Juan Carlos Villalonga, President, GLOBE International.
Founder's Keynote Address
Founder's keynote address by Al Gore, former Vice President, USA; co-founder and former President, GLOBE International.

GLOBE at 30 - from Rio to Glasgow: the critical role of parliaments in addressing the climate crisis.
Scene-Setter Keynotes
Delivering on the promise of Paris: key issues Glasgow must resolve.

Addresses by:
Laurence Tubiana, Chief Executive, European Climate Foundation; Special Representative for COP21; and a key architect of Paris Agreement
Mohamed Nasheed, Speaker of the People's Majlis (Maldives Parliament); Former President of the Maldives

Followed by Q&A
Host Country Panel
UK action on climate change: leadership and challenges remaining.
Address by Lord Deben, Chair, UK Committee on Climate Change; Former President, GLOBE International.

Scotland's response to the climate crisis: ambition and delivery. Address by Dean Lockhart MSP, Convener, Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee.

Followed by Q&A.
Challenge Session 1
Climate justice and the challenge of inclusion: how to ensure voice and agency for countries and communities in conflict.

Address by Osprey Orielle Lake, Founder and Executive Director, Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International.

Followed by Q&A.
Challenge Session 2
Net Zero Laws, NDCs and Green Recovering - who is getting it right?

Addresses by:
Caroline Lucas MP, House of Commons, UK Parliament.
Deputy Samuel Onuigbo, National Assembly, Nigerian Parliament.
Deputy Bénédicte Peyrol, National Assembly, French Parliament.
Jairam Ramesh, Rajya Sabha (Upper House), Indian Parliament.

Followed by Q&A.
Challenge Session 3
The new financial landscape to support national net zero decarbonisation, adaptation, loss and damage, COVID and debt recovery programmes.

Keynote address by Dr. Marcelo de Carvalho de Andrade, Founder, ProNatura International; Co-Founder, Earth Capital (global).

Senator Rosa Galvez, Canadian Parliament.
Professor Dan Esty, Hillhouse Professor, Yale University.

Followed by Q&A.

Featuring "Enough is Enough" by Karine Polwart, Oi Musica and The Soundhouse Choir.
Summit Sessions Day 2: Saturday 6 November 2021
Challenge Session 1 Continued
Challenge session 1 continued: Climate justice and the challenge of inclusion: how to ensure voice and agency for countries and communities in conflict. Address by Ahmad Nader Nadery, Former Peace Negotiator and Chair, Civil Service Commission, Afghanistan.
Climate and Nature Emergencies Keynote
From Kunming to Glasgow: how the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and Paris Agreement must deliver in harmony. Address by Dr. David Cooper, Deputy Executive Secretary, UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
Challenge Session 4
Challenge Session 4: Governance as if planetary boundaries mattered. How can the Rio Conventions, Sendai, Paris, Agenda 2030 be integrated and what is the role of environmental democracy in delivering action?

Legislating for Climate, Disaster Risk Reduction and sustainability integration. Address by Deputy Loren Legarda, Deputy Speaker, House of Representatives, Philippines Parliament.

Perspectives on Rio Declaration and Environmental Democracy. Address by: Deputy Maia Bitadze, Chair, Environmental Protection Committee, Georgian Parliament.
Christine Loh Kung-wai, Former Hong Kong Legislative Councillor.

Followed by Q&A.
Challenge Session 5
Will the courts sort out the climate crisis and what are the implications for the political balance of power? An exploration of the new climate litigation landscape and legal innovations.

Addresses by:
Justice Antonio Herman Benjamin, Supreme Court of Brazil; Convener, World Commission on Environmental Law.
Tzeporah Berman, Chair, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative.
Jojo Mehta, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Stop Ecocide.
Justice Syed Mansoor Ali Shah, Supreme Court of Pakistan.

Followed by Q&A.
Closing Keynote
Ingredients for a successful COP26 - how Glasgow can shape the future.

Address by Tanguy Gahouma-Bekale, COP26 Chair of the African Group of Negotiators (Gabon).

Followed by Q&A.
Challenge Session 6
The road from COP26 to Rio+30 and COP27 - accelerating momentum for a just transition, building back better, multi-level governance and Non-State Action.

Addresses by:
Mami Mizutori, Special Representative of UN Secretary General, UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR).
Deputy Viviane da Costa Reis, Member of Chamber of Deputies, Brazilian Parliament.
Elizabeth Lee MLA, Shadow Minister for Climate Action and Environment, Australian Capital Territory.
Tunç Soyer, Mayor of Izmir, Turkey; Climate Action Co-Chair, ICLEI.

Followed by Q&A.

Closing ceremony and final remarks:
Juan Carlos Villalonga, President, GLOBE International.
Alison Johnstone MSP, Presiding Officer.

Followed by Kibong Tanji performing WORTH IT from THIS IS A LOVE STORY, by Jack Godfrey and Ellie Coote.
About Us
GLOBE International has hosted legislators’ summits coinciding with the UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COPs), since its very inception almost 30 years ago. These are key moments for cross-party legislators to convene, share innovations and best practice, network and strategise on common agendas. Outcomes can include calls to action, regional action plans, task forces or campaigns. GLOBE’s COP21 summit at France’s National Assembly in December 2015 was the largest in its history and attracted high-level speakers and delegates from parliaments, judiciary, United Nations, international bodies, business & industry, civil society, media and philanthropy. COP presidents and UNFCCC Executive Secretaries have supported and often participated in these GLOBE summits.
This year, GLOBE International is honored to be working in partnership with the Scottish Parliament, one of the world’s youngest and most modern parliaments. In light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, this will be a hybrid event. Physical participation in the chamber at Holyrood, the Scottish Parliament, will prioritise parliamentary delegates, including those from partner parliamentary networks. Thanks to the Scottish Parliament’s state -of-the-art IT facilities, however, we hope to reach thousands more parliamentary delegates around the world through our digital platform. The virtual Summit will also be open to other stakeholders, including business and civil society, as observers.
In light of GLOBE’s commitment to gender equality and in recognition of the under-representation of women in parliaments globally, the Summit will strive to ensure as close to 50-50% balanced male and female parliamentary participation for the physical event at the Scottish Parliament. More broadly we are working with networks of women's parliamentarians and initiatives such as SheChangesClimate and others, to support both gender balance at the GLOBE Summit and in preparations towards and at COP26. Gender will be one of the cross-cutting theme across the Summit agenda.

As part of our commitment to political education and citizenship development, we also have a strong youth engagement focus to this year’s Summit and are delighted to work with Scotland’s unique Children's Parliament and Youth Parliament and parliaments worldwide to highlight young peoples’ expectations of their political leaders and demands for their future.

In the week leading up to the Summit on Friday 29 October 2021, we are proud to be convening the Student-MP Climate Surgery in London, and 'The Moment' a unique country-wide dialogue between young people and their members of parliament across Scotland in partnership with Scotland's Children and Youth Parliaments. The outcomes of 'The Moment' will be shared with political leaders at the opening of the GLOBE COP26 Summit at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh to highlight the voices and expectations of young people.

For more details on the Summit background, please click here.

As an independent, non-partisan organisation committed to promoting cross-party cooperation on solutions to the climate emergency and the challenge of sustainable development, we are delighted to be working with a range of parliamentary networks to reach a broad audience of parliamentarians worldwide. Our partners include the Climate Parliament, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, InterPares/ International IDEA, ParlAmericas and Westminster Foundation for Democracy.

GLOBE International is also serving as the UNFCCC Focal Point for the parliamentary grouping and seeking to support and facilitate the engagement of parliamentarians at COP26. We will be hosting daily briefings for parliamentarians at COP26 and providing regular information briefings in the run-up to COP26. For more information, kindly email: [email protected]
News & Updates
Check back regularly to see the latest news and updates for the GLOBE COP26 Legislators Summit.
From the end of October, eligible fully vaccinated passengers and those with an approved vaccine from a select group of non-red countries will be able to replace their day 2 test with a cheaper lateral flow test.

Anyone testing positive will need to isolate and take a confirmatory PCR test, at no additional cost to the traveller, which would be genomically sequenced to help identify new variants.

Testing for unvaccinated passengers from non-red countries will include Pre-Departure Tests (PDTs) and day 2 and day 8 PCR tests. Test to release remains an option to reduce the self-isolation period.

From 4 October, England will welcome fully vaccinated travellers from a host of new countries - who will be treated like returning fully vaccinated UK travellers.
New system for international travel to the UK
Posted 20 September 2021
The rules for international travel to the UK will change on the 4 October 2021  from 04:00 to a more simplified system.

The current traffic light system will be replaced by a single red list of countries and territories.

Testing requirements will be reduced for eligible fully vaccinated travellers, who will no longer need to take a COVID-19 Pre-Departure Test (PDT) when travelling to England.
Conducting the final regular traffic light review before the switch to the new two-tiered system, several additional countries and territories will move off the red list – Turkey, Pakistan, the Maldives, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Oman, Bangladesh and Kenya. Changes will come into effect at 4am Wednesday 22 September.

From late October, the government will also be making changes to allow passengers who change flights or international trains during their journey to follow the measures associated to their country of departure, rather than any countries they have transited through as part of their journey.

All passengers will still need to fill in a passenger locator form ahead of travel.

Passengers should continue to check GOV.UK travel guidance including FCDO travel advice before, during and after travel to keep up to date in entry requirements and ensure compliance with the latest COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 regulations for the country being visited.

Please click here to read the full government news release.
COP26 President Alok Sharma today raised the GLOBE COP26 Legislators Summit at the Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee
Posted 16 September 2021
Today at the Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee at the Scottish Parliament, Alok Sharma raised the GLOBE COP26 Legislators Summit, siting it as an opportunity to bring together international parliamentarians.
The two-day event, which is being organised by GLOBE International in partnership with the Scottish Parliament, forms part of the wider programme of events surrounding the UK hosted, COP26 conference in Glasgow.

The International Legislators’ Summit is due to take place in a hybrid format at the Scottish Parliament on Friday 5 and Saturday 6 November 2021. The Summit will invite international parliamentarians to engage in discussions around the theme of ‘accelerating climate action and delivering a green, fair and resilient recovery’.
Juan Carlos Villalonga, President of Globe Argentina & Chairman of the Board of GLOBE International, said;

“Five years on from Paris, few could have foreseen that the world would be thrown off course by a global pandemic and COP26 delayed by a year. COVID19 has revealed the systemic and interconnected nature of crises.

As we gather in Glasgow to address the climate emergency, our response as legislators must be similarly systemic and interconnected. We must work together to raise ambition for accelerated action on climate change. Action which succeeds most when it delivers co-benefits and simultaneously addresses related crises such as biodiversity loss and inequality in our communities.” 
* Hybrid/virtual arrangements are assumed for this event to ensure that it is able to proceed despite any COVID-19 restrictions in place on 5 and 6 November 
Scottish Parliament to host an international summit of parliamentarians on climate change
Posted 22 March 2021
One of the largest gatherings of international parliamentarians to discuss the climate emergency will take place at the Scottish Parliament in November, it has been announced today*.
Ken Macintosh MSP, Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament, said;

“The eyes of the world will soon turn to Glasgow as we look towards what international progress can be made to tackle the issue of climate change as it hosts COP26 later on this year.

“The Debating Chamber of this Parliament has not shied away from tackling important issues. So it is particularly fitting that the Parliament can support this global event and provide a platform for international parliamentarians to discuss some of the most important issues that will affect the world in the coming years.”

Gillian Martin MSP & Convener of Holyrood’s Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee said;

“This event will help highlight the critical role that Parliaments all over the world will have to play if we are to effectively tackle the climate emergency. Only through effective law-making and detailed scrutiny can we be confident that national Governments can deliver on their global and national commitments.

“It will facilitate collaboration, open communication and shared learning which will be so important to us all on our shared journey through the climate emergency.”  
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GLOBE COP26 Legislators Summit Location
 The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, EH99 1SP

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