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Event Integrations

EventCreate comes pre-built in hundreds of platform integrations, so you can automate your workflows, share your data and boost your sales.

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Integrate with other apps

You can integrate directly with hundreds of other apps or software, including MailChimp, Salesforce, Google or Facebook.

Automate your Workflow

Using integrations, you can easily automate your workflow. Save tons of time and back-and-forth between your apps and software.

As event planners, we know that an integrated event and marketing program can be a huge timesaver. That's why EventCreate comes pre-built in hundreds of platform integrations, so you can automate your workflows, share your data and boost your sales.

EventCreate offers pre-built touch integrations for attendee (so you can share attendee data with another platform, for instance), registration and orders (e.g. so you can track and manage your ticket revenue anywhere). Some of our most popular integrations include: mailchimp, salesforce, and zapier.

For instance, if you manage your event newsletter program using Mailchimp, you might want to connect your attendee name and email address with a Mailchimp account. That way every attendee is automatically subscribed to your mailing list. Or, you may choose to manage all of your customers in Salesforce, so when you get an attendee, you can choose to add them automatically and easily to your favorite CRM. Lastly, if you're selling tickets, you can decide to track your orders in Freshbooks, so when you get a new purchase, it's automatically added to your revenue tracking software. Either way, we have you covered. And if you need a custom integration, don't hesitate to reach out. We're always here to help.

Integrate with Hundreds of Apps

Here's just a few of the platforms or apps that we integrate with.

Top Ranked, Unbelievably Easy-to-Use

Highly-rated and thousands of reviews worldwide, EventCreate is independently ranked a top event management platform.

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4.9/5 (741 reviews)

4.9/5 (155 reviews)

4.9/5 (458 reviews)

4.8/5 (795 reviews)